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Tower Hill

Horsham, West Sussex

Key facts

3.50 ha 8.60acres

Capacity for circa 80 residential dwellings

The site is a field currently used for grazing. It is located immediately south of the Arun Valley Railway line which forms the Southwater Parish boundary and currently the boundary of the urban area of Horsham town. The site slopes down towards the north and the railway line.

The site is located relatively close to the urban area of Horsham and the facilities and services it offers. The site would therefore be seen as a relatively sustainable site in NPPF terms primarily due to its location.

It is considered that a well designed development for 70 to 80 house in a sustainable location that respects the character of the parkland slopes to the south could be brought forward and provide high quality scheme to assist with meeting the District’s housing need as required by national planning policy.

The land to the south of the site would be maintained as open space with a positive frontage of well designed, locally characteristic built form on the northern edge, softened by characteristic clumps of parkland canopy trees and SuDS.
The site is being promoted through the Horsham District Plan review


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