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Little Meadow, Alfold Road 

Cranleigh, Surrey GU6 8NQ

Key facts

‘Little Meadows’ is located outside the village Settlement Boundary and on land designated as countryside beyond the Green Belt. The application site measures approximately 3.6 hectares (8.9 acres) in size, and sits to the south of Knowle Wood, which is an historically important area of ancient woodland.

Our vision is to create a new environment which enhances both the landscape and the built character of the neighbourhood, delivering sustainable development for Cranleigh. We aspire to create a thriving, flourishing place, where residents engage with the locality, are keen to connect with each other and with the area, and are inspired to look after and maintain the high quality of their surroundings.

To achieve this we have sought to understand the site and how it relates to Alfold Road, the evolving developments to the north and west of the site, as well as the wider Cranleigh area. 
Technical studies were undertaken to support this analysis, including assessment of the landscape, visual setting, historic character, the character of the area in built form and spaces, movement and access, and ecology; and these design proposals embody the objectives and principles of Surrey Design, creating high quality safe and attractive environments to stand the test of time.

This knowledge guided the evolution of the development layout, landscape strategy, access principles, architectural design, and eventually the new place. The new development will create buildings and spaces which will enrich the character of Cranleigh and the wider area, including the new green spaces, new housing, and the high quality streets and public realm.

The development will also provide attractive open space opportunities for enjoyment, recreation and play, which respond to local need, as well as enhancing biodiversity on the site and creating new habitats. New pedestrian and cycle links will be provided within and through the site, interconnecting with the neighbouring development sites and the existing services and facilities in the local area.

Outline application for the erection of 75 dwellings to include 27 affordable dwelling was submitted to Waverley District Council in March 2015.
Waverley Borough Council granted planning permission on 1st July 2016


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